Women in the 1950's

The 1950's brought a new world to women. Although they had worked in the factories during WWII they were largely expected to return to the home as homemakers after the war ended. Some women chose to continue in the workforce although they were treated much differently than men. Some women chose to return to the home but found new sets of demands upon what constituted a "good" wife.

Monday, May 9, 2011


After working in the factories to support their country during WWII, women largely left the workforce returning to their homes to be wives and mothers.  While some women were happy to return to the homemaker occupation, many were not.  Those remaining in the workforce found themselves treated quite differently from the men they worked with.  Investigate what life was like for women during this time then share your thoughts and opinions about life for women in the 1950's.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ADfS8WQmw   Women in the Workforce

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTLK9Q4sWT0&feature=related  Women Cooking in the Home

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIKsQ127BWM&feature=related  Advise for a Good Wife